Apply a thin coating of sealing compound to the sealing faces of the upper timing-case cover. 将薄薄的一层密封化合物涂抹到上部正时箱盖的密封面上。
Application of Urea Melt Coating in the Production S-NPK Compound Fertilizer 尿素熔融喷涂在S-NPK复合肥生产中的运用
Perhaps coating it in a viscous compound. 用粘性的混合物也许可以粘合它。
Conventional CVD coating process requires a metal compound that will volatilize at a fairly low temperature and decompose to a metal when it contacts with the substrate at higher temperature. 常规的化学蒸发沉淀涂层工艺需要一种容易在相当低温度下挥发并且在较高温度下与基体接触时能分解成纯金属的金属化合物。
Effect of Coating Formulation on the Compound Fastness of Coated White Folding Board 涂布白卡纸涂料配方对复合牢度的影响
Skim Plasta is a high acrylic copolymer based putty, ready to use multipurpose patching and skim coating compound for exterior and interior surfaces. 实坚丙烯涂墙剂是一种高度丙烯树脂水性涂泥,适用于室外与室内的即开即用多用途修复和表面涂层化合物。
Research on Preparation of Thermal Barrier Coating Using Compound Powder of Nanometer Zirconium Oxide 氧化锆纳米复合陶瓷热障涂层制备工艺研究
The author pointed out that coating organic compound or polymer thin film on surface is the development trend of surface modification of silver products. 指出表面涂覆有机物或高聚物薄膜是银产品表面改性技术的发展趋势。
The building membrane material applied at home and abroad mainly includes coating fabric and thermoplastic compound. 目前国内外应用的建筑膜材主要包括涂层织物类膜材和热塑化合物类膜材两大类。
Study on the Synthesis and Photocatalysis of TiO_2 Coating Compound TiO2复合镀膜及其光催化性能的研究
A technique combined with field inspection and laboratory test is adopted to examine and analyze the property of single electrostatic-conducted coating and compound coating. 采用现场检测与试验室测试相结合的方式,对储油罐底板单一导静电涂层和新型复合导静电涂层进行了检测和对比分析。
Two kinds of oxidation resistance coating of C/ C composites are given, the single coating and the compound coating. Preparation and properties of the multilayer oxidation resistance coating for carbon-carbon composites 抗氧化涂层有两种典型结构:单层涂层和复合涂层。C/C复合材料抗氧化复合涂层的制备及其性能
It is showed that active bioceramic coating of calcium phosphorus compound can be obtained by means of micro-arc oxidation, in which Ca content can attain 20% and Preach 8%. 微弧氧化试验结果表明,微弧氧化在钛合金表面可获得含磷、钙活性生物陶瓷涂层,其含钙量可达20%,含磷量可达8%;
The active bioceramic coating of calcium phosphorus compound synthesized by micro-arc oxidation ( MAO) on titanium alloy and its biocompatibility have been investigated. 对钛合金微弧氧化合成钙磷活性生物陶瓷涂层及其生物相容性进行了试验研究。
Elastic coating materials of organic compound and be used to repairing wearing surface of water turbine transition parts 水轮机过流件磨蚀面修复有机复合弹性涂层材料的研究
Conductive and Heating Coating with Compound Carbon-fillers 复合型炭系导电发热涂料的研究
Film coating thickness of Compound Danshen Dropping Pills by NIRS fast detecting 近红外光谱快速测定复方丹参滴丸的包衣厚度
To reduce the cost of zircon powder coating, a alcohol based compound coating using alumina powder as auxiliary refractory materials has been developed. 为了降低锆英粉涂料成本,本文采用高铝矾土作辅助耐火材料,研制了醇基复合铸型涂料。
Use of Coating Granulation Technology in Compound Fertilizer Plant 涂布造粒技术在复合肥料厂的应用
On the principle of wear of water turbine transition parts, the new materials of repairing and protecting wear area, elastic coating of organic compound is studied and formed. 根据水轮机过流部件的磨蚀机理,研究了一种修复保护磨蚀区的新材料&有机复合弹性涂层;
The conductivity of the coating with compound carbon-fillers is higher than that of single carbon filler at the same loading. 在填料含量相同时,复合型炭系填料优化配方后所制得的涂层比单一填料具有更优良的导电特性;
Improving coating compound for nylon bead flipper in BTR tire 载重子午线轮胎锦纶胎圈包布挂胶配方的改进
Electroless Ni-P diamond composite coating was deposited using diamond compound particle. By introducing the concept of Avrami exponent nucleation and growth kinetics of Ni-P and Ni-P-D coatings were researched during isothermal crystallization process. 采用金刚石作为复合粒子制备了Ni-P-金刚石复合镀层,通过引入晶化方式指数的概念,研究了Ni-P镀层和Ni-P-金刚石复合镀层的等温晶化过程的形核和长大动力学。
The preparation, processing technology and operation application of modified silicone elastic decorative coating, which is a compound of silicone and polymer emulsion, are introduced in this paper. 利用有机硅乳液与有机高分子乳液复配,配制以有机硅改性的弹性装饰涂料。重点介绍其生产工艺和施工应用。
A Study on the Coating of Metal-Organic Compound 金属有机化合物复合涂复的研究
Effects of seed coating with a compound jaw on Drought Resistance of Wheat 抗旱型种子复合包衣剂JAW增强小麦抗旱能力的研究
At present, the category and mode of coating which is used in compound coating machine, is still unitary in china. 目前,国内许多印刷包装机械企业使用涂布复合设备,其涂布种类和刮胶方式比较单一,涂布技术的应用也大受限制。
The coating thickness of tung oil-coated compound fertilizer is up to 40~ 180 μ m; 利用天然桐油进行反应性包膜制得的桐油包膜复合肥料包膜厚度在40~180μm之间;
Research on self-cleaning coating of organic Ti-Si compound resins 钛-硅烷复合树脂超级亲水性薄膜的研究
The results show that the main phases in Fe-Al intermetallic compound coating are Fe-Al intermetallic compound ( including FeAl 、 Fe3Al and α-Fe) and carbide precipitation. 结果表明,Fe-Al金属间化合物复合涂层中主要相为Fe-Al金属间化合物相(包括FeAl、Fe3Al及α-Fe相)和碳化物析出相。